Work conversations
Today at work we were in the process of cleaning out our lab and storage space downstairs a little. One of my coworkers discovered a proof sheet and set of negatives tucked away on a shelf somewhere, and started taking it around to all the bosses who had been with the company long enough to…
Art Museum
My friend and I went to the SAM (Seattle Art Museum) yesterday, in hopes of getting into the Picasso exhibit, but on arrival we found that they only had tickets for a timed entry five hours ahead. So we poked around the regular galleries instead since it had been a while since I’d seen those.…
Shoe drinks
I thought I’d post tonight about my favorite writing environment, since it was on my mind after I spilled soda on my new (to me) couch the other night. That was pure Murphy’s law–I had a real beater couch from my parents for years, and spilled absolutely nothing on it, and then about a month…
Acrobat Magic
I go back to work, and suddenly I’m posting much shorter entries. Funny, that. I encountered one of the Joys of Formatting today (those who format, no matter the program, will back me up on this) wherein someone found a mistake in a header after all the graphics pages were already made into PDFs. Rather…
So, as promised, an answer to a question I get often: why write about werewolves? Why not make up my own creature? It’s usually non-writers asking this–a writer, I’d say “Because that’s not the story I want to tell” and they’d nod, but I’ve been a bit stuck when it comes to answering the question…
Sadly headachey today, so I’ve been sorting through holiday photos rather than accomplishing anything much. I thought I’d try out the photo-posting capabilities of this thing while I’m here. I got called a “renaissance woman! Writer, photographer…” when I mentioned plans to photograph something the other day. (Me: Well, I’m a writer and a person…
Naming lies
I’ve always rather liked it in science fiction when the colonists name new species based on old Earth ones that really have nothing to do with them. Moss Rabbits? Well, they might be green and have six legs, but at least they have fur, are about the same size, and there’s a lot of them.…
Mystery of the universe
The future is now, everyone: I’m posting this from the wi-fi on a ferry, of all places. (I’m up in Canada heading from mainland BC to Vancouver Island, which is why the trip’s long enough and the ferry’s big enough to bother) I started a longer post percolating on the drive up, in answer to…
Food wtfery
So the family all went out to a fancy restaurant for Christmas Eve dinner. It had a menu that consisted of a dozen or so entree options that all went something like: A Comprehensible Piece of Meat or Fish A side that makes sense, a side that is kind of odd, wtf, and did you…
Got any book recommendations?