Mystery of the universe

The future is now, everyone: I’m posting this from the wi-fi on a ferry, of all places. (I’m up in Canada heading from mainland BC to Vancouver Island, which is why the trip’s long enough and the ferry’s big enough to bother)

I started a longer post percolating on the drive up, in answer to some question’s I’ve gotten from people about why I chose to write urban fantasy in particular. I’ll probably pull that together for after New Year’s sometime.

In the meantime, I have discovered a mystery of the universe! It may have been quite beknownst to all of you, but it was unbeknownst to me, heretofore. The buffet on the ferry had shrimp with the tails still on, and my father watched me do my usual trick of sort of straining the tail flesh out of the tail with my teeth.

My father: What you want to do is stand on the tail with the knife and pull with your fork.
Me: What?
My father: Stand on the tail and pull!

So I tried it. You pin the very tip of the tail to the plate with the knife, and then stab in your fork across the body and pull away from the tip. Like magic, the flesh slides out. This is huge to me, because I apparently was hungover that day in Adult School (between Finding an Accountant the day before, and When to Call a Plumber the next) so I missed it completely. Now I feel suspicious. Does everyone in the world know this but me?






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