Substandard eyeballs
Hooray, I’m almost human again! My cold has subsided finally. I have also successfully stolen my parents’ software and done my taxes, efiled, and scheduled for Uncle Sam to suck what I owe out of my account (Sigh). Staying at my parents’ has made me realize how my prescription really has risen, the way the…
Plague vector
I should be careful when I celebrate–I remarked to a friend on Sunday that I thought I’d conquered whatever con crud germs I might have picked up because I’d been sleeping deep for a week, but feeling just as tired. Immune system in action! Not an hour after saying that, my sore throat started. So…
Fish triangles
Sometimes I fail to understand advertising. Since I was away at con, I didn’t cook this weekend, and I decided I’d just pick up a package of breaded fish for dinners. Now, I am not proud. I do not care if my breaded fish comes in the form of sticks, and dinosaurs would be a…
Radcon photos
I have arrived back home and survived a somewhat blurry day at the day job! Radcon was lots of fun, and I have assembled a few illustrative photos to demonstrate such.
Greetings from RadCon! Between my panels this afternoon I’m going to take my camera around to get you guys a few photos. I wish I’d had my camera at the hotel cafe this afternoon, though. I had a sandwich in the green room for lunch, so when I went to be social, I ordered a…
Ladies unite!
I cannot comprehend T-shirt manufacturers. I’m not talking about shirts you’d walk into a store and buy: those brands seem to have grasped female anatomy. I’m talking about shirts you buy for screen-printing for your choir or team or club, and the organizer offers you a choice of S to XXL. I remember the days…
Sexah page numbers
I find page numbers to be so under-appreciated. Especially in Microsoft Word. My office actually usually uses WordPerfect, except when a client specifically requests a Word document. I can hear you out there–I scoffed at WordPerfect too when I was hired, but now I’m a believer. I formatted my thesis in Word, even, and I…
It’s not Thanksgiving, but this is still a post in which I am thankful. What am I thankful for? Find and replace! Or really, find, since in my revisions I’m not replacing wholesale but tweaking a handful of a term to something else. It makes me imagine what it might be like to be some…
Package tracking
The other day I splurged on a geeky impulse purchase (here for the curious) and I’ve been package tracking its journey across the country since then. It’s funny how I’ve come to take that for granted–I got something else recently from an Amazon independent seller that didn’t bother to put up any tracking info, and…
RadCon schedule
I have my schedule! For the curious: Fri, Feb 18 4:00 to 5:00 pm Violence and Dueling in Political History Representative Gohmer recently introduced legislation to allow Congress Members to go armed on the chamber floors. What is the true nature of violence, dueling, and the ultimate effect on politics? Frey, Ruth Garrison, Miki Held,…
Got any book recommendations?