Category: Uncategorized

  • Crtl-f

    It’s not Thanksgiving, but this is still a post in which I am thankful. What am I thankful for? Find and replace! Or really, find, since in my revisions I’m not replacing wholesale but tweaking a handful of a term to something else. It makes me imagine what it might be like to be some…

  • Package tracking

    The other day I splurged on a geeky impulse purchase (here for the curious) and I’ve been package tracking its journey across the country since then. It’s funny how I’ve come to take that for granted–I got something else recently from an Amazon independent seller that didn’t bother to put up any tracking info, and…

  • RadCon schedule

    I have my schedule! For the curious: Fri, Feb 18 4:00 to 5:00 pm Violence and Dueling in Political History Representative Gohmer recently introduced legislation to allow Congress Members to go armed on the chamber floors. What is the true nature of violence, dueling, and the ultimate effect on politics? Frey, Ruth Garrison, Miki Held,…

  • Iron Chef I am not

    I just discovered that Hulu has some Iron Chef America episodes up and so I’ve been working my way through the current season on and off. I’m a fan of competitive cooking shows in general, and they’re in my binge rotation. (Watch a whole season! Watch nothing cooking related for a month!) Today is the…

  • Science!

    Today, a quick mystery for all of you to ponder, as I am pondering it. I will probably continue somewhat quiet thereafter as I’m in a period wherein my sleep cycles are screwed up, so I have to ride it out somewhat zombie-like. (In a doctor’s office, I once read one of those women’s magazine…

  • Shoe drinks

    I thought I’d post tonight about my favorite writing environment, since it was on my mind after I spilled soda on my new (to me) couch the other night. That was pure Murphy’s law–I had a real beater couch from my parents for years, and spilled absolutely nothing on it, and then about a month…

  • Pictures

    Sadly headachey today, so I’ve been sorting through holiday photos rather than accomplishing anything much.  I thought I’d try out the photo-posting capabilities of this thing while I’m here. I got called a “renaissance woman! Writer, photographer…” when I mentioned plans to photograph something the other day. (Me: Well, I’m a writer and a person…

  • RSS Feed

    New shiny for the website: the RSS feed is now up! I’ll be testing it personally, but if some of you would be so kind as to subscribe and give me a shout if it works or doesn’t, that would be lovely!