Worlds of Rhiannon Held: Cover of LADY'S CHILDREN (urban fantasy) and BASE INSTANCTS (space opera) by Rhiannon Held over galaxy background.

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  • Radio Silence

    Being an author in the social media age is an interesting experience. Doing an interview, a reading, a convention, it’s obvious that you might well be in something of a public mode or “on.” You might craft your blog posts carefully. But are you “on” when you’re writing on Twitter? When you’re commenting on Facebook?…

  • Norwescon Schedule

    Posting this a little early, but if you’re planning on attending Norwescon next month, c’mon by and say hello! Creature Feature: Monsters of Urban Fantasy Fri 5:00pm-6:00pm Cascade 6 Werewolves, Vampires, and Trolls, oh my! We all have favorites among the vast number of creatures that inhabit urban fantasy alongside humans. What are they –…

  • Author Magazine Interview

    My very first video interview! I don’t know what it’s like, because I can’t watch myself… But it was awesome getting to do it at the time! Thanks to Bill Kenower of Author Magazine!

  • Signed Books

    Now that REFLECTED is out, I wanted to let you guys know some options for getting hold of a signed copy if you can’t make one of my readings in person. For the geographically close, I have left piles of signed copies at the University Bookstore in Seattle, and Powell’s in Portland. I’ll be leaving…

  • Dropped Off by the Mail Snails


  • Signings and Radcon

    Two things to bring to your attention today. First off, I have readings! They’re also listed in the Appearances page, on the upper right there. February 20, 7 pm, University Bookstore, Seattle February 24, 7 pm, Powell’s Books Cedar Hills Crossing, Portland March 7, 6:30 pm, Third Place Books Lake Forest Park, Seattle April 26,…

  • Amazon Rank

    For those of you who have not experienced one of your own, an Amazon Author Rank is basically what might be displayed in the dictionary beside “noisy” and “black box”. It ranks you against other authors on Amazon, using sales for all your books and possibly quantum entanglement from electrons on Mars, for all I,…

  • 2013 Reading

    In March 2012, I signed up for a Goodreads account and discovered that checking books off as read motivated me to compete with myself to read as many as possible. Since 2012 was a partial year, I didn’t do anything with the totals, but now I have a full year of reading data in 2013…

  • Orycon Schedule

    Orycon is a’comin’! Come and see me next weekend at the Portland Doubletree. If I get enough requests, I’ll use my reading slot to read from book 3, REFLECTED, due out in February, so you can get a sneak peek! Gender and Writing Hamilton Fri Nov 8 1:00pm-2:00pm Gender free? Gender neutral? Stereotyping? How gender…

  • East Coast Vacation

    The promised photos are up! Beware, because archaeological tangents lie within.

Got any book recommendations?