Worlds of Rhiannon Held: Cover of LADY'S CHILDREN (urban fantasy) and BASE INSTANCTS (space opera) by Rhiannon Held over galaxy background.

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  • Vacation Autographs

    Just back from vacation (watch for pictures soon…ish! I hope) and while I was mostly busy with family, I did convince them to detour to bookstores when we passed near them. There are now signed copies of Silver in the Barnes & Noble stores in Fredericksburg, VA; Warwick, RI; and Burlington, MA. Get ’em while…

  • Worldcon Signing

    Worldcon in San Antonio is nearly upon us, and people are starting to put up their schedules. If anyone’s going to be at the con and wants to come say hello or get a book signed, I’ll be at the SFWA table in the dealer’s room signing autographs at 10 am on Sunday, September 1!

  • Writing Tips from Pacific Rim

    I didn’t originally mean to go see Pacific Rim. But every single time my friends mentioned it on their social media—every single time—it was to rave about it. So I got curious. Bear in mind, I am a person who, when dragged to the first Transformers movie, seriously considered ducking out to the bathroom and…

  • Missoula Cemetery

    Eaten by life lately, so while I’ve collected a couple of cemeteries, I’ve gotten behind in posting them. Watch this space for more over the next few weeks! For any new folks, I have a minor hobby of going to cemeteries and collecting photos of older stones that are either interesting or have poetry on…

  • A Few More Guest Posts

    I’ve been tweeting various guest posts for TARNISHED (out now!) as they go up, but today had a big burst, so I thought I’d assemble them all here for your delectation: Big Idea Supernatural Smackdown (vote Silver!) Guest on Chadwick Ginther’s blog Guest on As You Were blog

  • Fancy Hat

    With release day fast approaching, when I start to obsess over interview answers like a single sentence will directly impact sales, I should probably remember this wisdom from the sister: Me: I’m a bit crazy-eyed at the moment. Release day is soon The Sister: that should be yay-ful! yay books 😀 Me: NO ONE WILL…

  • Readings and signings

    The release date for TARNISHED is fast approaching on May 21! If you’d like to come and hear me read and/or get a copy signed, here’s my schedule: Tuesday, May 21, 7 pm, University Bookstore, Seattle Thursday, May 30, 7 pm, Third Place Books Lake Forest Park, Seattle Monday, June 3, 7 pm, Powell’s Books…

  • Process, Visually

    At work, I’ve gotten very used to beating MS Word with a hammer so it formats documents approximately how I want them. In comparison, formatting my fiction manuscripts is like skipping through the park on a sunny day with ice cream. One font, no headings, simple header? Wonderful. All the beating did make me aware…

  • Norwescon Schedule

    It’s that time of year again: Norwescon! C’mon by and see me at my panels! I’ll also be reading from Tarnished, so you if you’re excited for book 2, don’t miss that one. Writing What You Don’t Know Friday 11:00am – 12:00pm Cascade 7 Many writers have heard the advice to “write what you know.”…

  • Alphas

    I had a first reader note at one point that my character Silver didn’t act very “alpha”, in the way that most urban fantasies used the term. To her credit, she was checking to be sure I was aware of that, not implying that it was a bad thing. She wanted to make sure I’d…

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