Wolfsbane Audiobook and Essay
Two exciting pieces of news today! The first is that WOLFSBANE is now out in audiobook! The second is that you can now preorder a copy of THE USUAL PATH TO PUBLICATION, a collection of essays about how writers got first published. I share the table of contents with very august company! It comes out…
Norwescon 2016 Schedule
I will be at Norwescon, coming up March 25-27! I hope you will be too, and will come say hi! I will have print copies of WOLFSBANE along as well. Fri 11:00 AM-12:00 PM – Cascade 3&4 So You’ve Finished a First Draft Django Wexler (M), Rhiannon Held, Randy Henderson, Frances Pauli, Laura Anne Gilman…
Holiday Wolfsbane Sale!
Starting today (Friday, November 27) for one week only, the Wolfsbane ebook is on sale for $1.99! If you’ve been holding back, unsure, or if there’s someone among your family and friends who might like it as a present, grab it now! Links: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords Links to many other fine purveyors…
Orycon 2015 Schedule
It’s that time again! Next weekend, come and stop by and see me at one of my panels at Orycon, in Portland. I’ll also have print copies of Wolfsbane with me! My schedule: Fri Nov 20 4:00:pm to 5:00:pm Buy Your Unconscious Mind a Drink How to get your creative mind to talk to you.…
Wolfsbane is Out!
For all you fans of the Silver series, the wait is over! Wolfsbane, Book 4, is now out! When an envoy arrives from the secretive Russian werewolf pack, Roanoke alphas Silver and Andrew Dare are instantly suspicious. Tatiana claims she has been sent to locate an heirloom, lost by immigrants centuries ago, but she and…
Central BC Photo Album
As is my wont when I go on vacation tours of historical sites, I have created a photo album with archaeological (well, archaeological in that they were written by an archaeologist) ramblings about history, scenery, and general silliness.
Worldcon Schedule 2015
Worldcon is approaching! If you’d like to stop by and say hello, here’s my schedule! And if you’re a fan of the Silver series, I’ll be previewing Book 4 at my reading! Urban Fantasy as Modern Fairy Tale Friday 10:00 – 10:45, 300C (CC) When the classic fairy tales were first told, they were about…
Got any book recommendations?