Conservation of flatware

Still recovering today from an early morning being airport taxi for my sister, after travel adventures with missed flights yesterday. Now I’m back at work, and she’s probably partying in NYC by now (the lucky dog!) Either that, or passed out from travel exhaustion…

I’ll be posting a little less for a while, as it’s time for me to start the revisions on Book 1 and I’ll be nose to the grindstone on that. Either that or now I’ve said I won’t post, Murphy will fill my head with dozens of awesome posts for when I need a break from the fiction. So we’ll see!

The title of this has to do with a phenomenon currently occurring my my office’s kitchen. We actually have two kitchenettes on either end of the building, and people divide roughly out by whose office is closest to either. My end’s kitchen was perpetually understocked with forks. We’d have about a dozen spoons at any given time, but two forks, often down to one or none since they’d be away in use during peak lunch hours. I’d actually made a mental note to go to Goodwill and buy a nice heaping handful of assorted forks when someone did it before I could. Forks! Forks for all!

The next day, there were no spoons.

I thought it might be some kind of cosmic law of flatware conservation, but today the spoons are back in force, though the fork level has been drawn down somewhat. I suspect they are in kitchen #2, since there’s often an uneven flow of the best dishes and such between the two when people steal from across the building and then leave them washed in their home kitchen. Hopefully we’ve successfully saturated the environment, however, similar to how nice new extension cords would disappear from the guest bedrooms at my grandparents until we’d replaced them so many times that apparently all the electricity in my grandparents house that could possibly extended had been, and the cords we brought stayed put.







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