Obligatory snow post

So there was snow in Seattle yesterday. It was not terribly exciting, since I got to drive a whole three minutes in it home from choir, and then it rained in the night. Thus, I Splooshed to work this morning. It deserves the capital. This wasn’t slush piled up beside the road. No, this was an inch of snow that had been saturated with water until it was completely translucent. My snow boots, not having been designed for such strain, leaked slightly. I do not blame them. They were not advertised for wading.

I feel I left my poor car to feel desperately uncool in the complex parking lot last night, though. I know better than to leave my car with a snow-hat when I clean it off (not least because of the time when I was house-sitting in a snowy university town having grown up in rainy Portland, and I drove my car into the garage still wearing its snow hat. The next morning, I discovered the hat had melted in the night and flowed under the garage door toward freedom. It froze the door to the concrete and I tore out an entire bracket when I innocently pushed the button the next morning). I am, however, of normal height as opposed to the freakishly tall people who like to become engineers and design things. So even given the length of my brush, I can’t reach the middle of the roof without far more effort that I care to expend.

Coming in from either side gives my car something of a snow mohawk, and then I had to drive it and park it where all the other apartment cars would see and laugh at it. I mean, it’s already a Camry, for heaven’s sake. I saw this morning that later snow had fortunately evened out its hat, though, so I think it might forgive me.







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