10,000 hours

Short update today. Head-down in the latest book 2 revisions. I encountered an interesting bit of synchronicity the other day, in that I encountered a mention of the idea of 10,000 hours of practice leading to success in two very different places. I decided to sit down and calculate out how close I was to that. In an Excel spreadsheet and all. It was perhaps a little funny how much it bothered me that I couldn’t be very precise. How often a week did I write my junior year of undergrad???

(Once, soon after I’d questioned whether I should to grad school in archaeology because I didn’t have the kind of “passion!” they claimed to want and my father talked me down, the family was stuck in an airport waiting for our luggage. We were all jetlagged out of our minds, and for something to do I started counting how long each cycle of the conveyor belt took based on a join in the material. I told my father how long it would therefor take for any piece of luggage placed on the other end to make its way up to us, and he looked at me, laughed, and said “And you said you weren’t sure you should be a scientist?”)

In any case, I have some hours left to go! I’ve save the spreadsheet since I’m curious to revisit it in a few years and see how my hours and career as a writer have shaped up.







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