Damn you, Mountain Deeeeeeew!

The short stories replies have arrived, and both of them are back out on to their next destination. Hopefully tonight I’ll also have some time to jot down some notes about legal fu for book three that I got from my friend the lawyer when I was visiting her this weekend. (It still seems strange: we met when we were wee back in undergrad and now I’m a novelist and she’s a lawyer!)

Sometimes, I hate having the caffeine tolerance of an underweight chipmunk. Even an entire can of Diet Cola all at once is actually too much for me (I know, I know), and I cannot, under pain of a terrible night, drink any caffeine after lunch.

So soda was on sale at the store a few weeks back. And it was some brand I’ve never heard of before, but it said it was “citrus”. I like citrus! And then I brought it home and the penny dropped that it was being bold and copying Mountain Dew without the usual generic name contortions. (I looked it up, and it’s hilarious: just look at this link) Apparently citrus is accepted code for what I just think of “yellow-flavored HOLYGODI’MANXIOUS juice”. That’s kind of long to fit on the bottle. Anyway. I figured that if the caffeine was higher, I’d just drink less. Easy, right? But that’s like halving a recipe that calls for one egg: at some point, the divisions just get so fiddly that it ceases to function. One mouthful for an entire morning just didn’t seem right somehow, and anyway I was just drinking as I worked…

Long story short, I spend the morning at work functioning in wired anxiety. I needed to finish! To finish on time! I needed to finish RIGHT NOW. Finish this project with no real time constraints, but I’d started it and now I was going to finish it AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

I do not like being on too much caffeine. 🙁

But I reached the ground again after lunch and I’m relaxing now. The “citrus” soda is sitting in my fridge, the level about half an inch lower than it began, laughing. You can’t bring yourself to waste me, it mocks. I will just sit here in your fridge for eternity…



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One response to “Damn you, Mountain Deeeeeeew!”

  1. tester 2

    this is a new test.

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