Category: short stories

  • Newsletter

    While I was off having a heck of a good time at Miscon this last weekend, someone asked me an excellent question: If I’m going to self-publish Book 4 in the Silver series, what’s the best way to find out when it comes out? And I have an answer to that excellent question! I’ll announce…

  • Temper: a Silver universe story

    As promised, I have a solstice gift for all my fans today! While it’s a DVD extra for Book 3, exploring events that happened around the time of that book, it’s designed to be interesting for anyone at all familiar with the Silver universe. Enjoy!

  • Story and snowshoeing

    I’ve been so busy on the writing front lately (I have book 2 revisions and book 1 page proofs, or galleys or whatever you want to call them, to do at the same time) I forgot to announce here: my new short story is up at Redstone Science Fiction. You can also visit it at…

  • Brain switch

    It seems I am something of a music blog lately! It’s been an interesting week at work, since we got all of our computers upgraded, and it’s going to be an interesting weekend, since my community choir has our concert. In the vein of odd connections my mind makes, the process of getting ready for…

  • Via Stork

    If you’re wondering about the title, it’s an answer to “Where do ideas come from?” Probably a more realistic answer, at least for my process, is that when two ideas really love each other… I have two short stories vying for my attention at the moment (and of course, the second book to be working…

  • Story success!

    I finished my short on schedule! A day early, in fact, but that’s because it came out only 4k. I tend to run short on my first drafts. Dunno why. Personality, I guess! It often seems that the writers I know more often run long. Watched Mega-Python vs. Gateroid today with a friend. It was…

  • Short story marathon!

    First off: comments are working! This weekend, I’m thinking of doing a little bit of a self-challenge, and seeing if I can finish a short story in one weekend. It’s not really that I need to push myself to finish things, but I should actually be working on Book 2 at the moment, so I’d…

  • Damn you, Mountain Deeeeeeew!

    The short stories replies have arrived, and both of them are back out on to their next destination. Hopefully tonight I’ll also have some time to jot down some notes about legal fu for book three that I got from my friend the lawyer when I was visiting her this weekend. (It still seems strange:…

  • Basement Coyotes

    This week seems to be a waiting game: both the markets I have stories with at the moment are taking longer than usual to get back to me, though I suppose I can’t blame the reply coming via mail snails. The mail snails are very earnest! They’ve dropped off a great number of my short…

  • Dreams and Archaeology

    Been a busy few days: I got a sudden whim to finish a couple of short stories that needed one only very tweaking revision pass. I’d been planning to get to them after I sent off my novel, but then with my novel getting bought and all… First one is in the mail, I’d be…