Category: humor around me

  • Laundry scandals

    I tried out a laundromat for the first time this morning, since the dryers at my complex have been wimpy, useless buggers lately. I’m fairly impressed with the experience—the washers cost more, but while the two at my complex come in small- (normal, I suppose, if I’m feeling kind) capacity, the ones here are large-,…

  • Lab friends

    So I was down in the basement lab the other day, and I opened a cupboard to find a lab creature I hadn’t seen for a while. I figured I should introduce the denizens of the lab to you all! Photos below:

  • Damn you, Mountain Deeeeeeew!

    The short stories replies have arrived, and both of them are back out on to their next destination. Hopefully tonight I’ll also have some time to jot down some notes about legal fu for book three that I got from my friend the lawyer when I was visiting her this weekend. (It still seems strange:…

  • Dreams and Archaeology

    Been a busy few days: I got a sudden whim to finish a couple of short stories that needed one only very tweaking revision pass. I’d been planning to get to them after I sent off my novel, but then with my novel getting bought and all… First one is in the mail, I’d be…

  • Pancake Day!

    I think Shrove Tuesday sounds much more dignified, and Mardi Gras is all furrin and such, but my calendar declares it to be so. Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Day. No mention at all of drunken partying. I duly mixed up some pancakes and had them for dinner. Perils of being an archaeologist (or at least a scientist)…

  • Fish triangles

    Sometimes I fail to understand advertising. Since I was away at con, I didn’t cook this weekend, and I decided I’d just pick up a package of breaded fish for dinners. Now, I am not proud. I do not care if my breaded fish comes in the form of sticks, and dinosaurs would be a…