Worlds of Rhiannon Held: Cover of LADY'S CHILDREN (urban fantasy) and BASE INSTANCTS (space opera) by Rhiannon Held over galaxy background.

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  • Orycon and introverts

    First off, for housekeeping, I wanted to let everyone know I’ll be at Orycon next weekend, November 11-13. If you’re around Portland, drop by! Here’s my schedule: Fri Nov 11 4:00:pm Gender and Writing Gender free? Gender neutral? Stereotyping? How gender affects our writing. What writers do to write effectively in the opposite gender’s point…

  • WFC 2011

    I am returned! This weekend I’m tentatively planning to throw up a few thoughts about Con Networking for Introverts, but for now, pictures below the cut!

  • Metaphor for bears

    First off! I’ll be quiet next weekend, as I am off to World Fantasy in San Diego! At this very moment, I am completely failing to get up and start choosing clothes to pack. I hope to see some of you there! I have a panel on Saturday: 5:00 PM Pacific 2/3: Who Wants to…

  • Border Collies

    Greetings, to any new readers who have wandered by due to seeing my cover posted other places around the interwebs (special thanks to Tez Miller!) I’ll note briefly that comments are Under Construction, as both I and my volunteer tech guy have full time jobs in other things. Fingers-crossed, so far as I’ve tested, you…

  • Beware of microwaves

    We had excitement around the office this week! Someone (who shall remain unidentified) put a polar fleece-wrapped heat/cold pack in the microwave and left it for far too long. The next thing the rest of us knew, there was a strange chemical-y smell in the hallway, and since we’re being good about safety procedures lately,…

  • Cover

    Life has been eating me lately, but a quick, exciting post. Have a look! <a href=””>

  • Conversation of the night

    Me: You know what English needs? a singular gender-neutral pronoun. Friend: Yeah, that is annoying. Me: *finesses around it through great work* Friend: Finesse like a pro, baby Me: *eyebrow waggle* Friend: Handle those words. Make them like it.

  • Vices

    I own too many clothes. This won’t come as a surprise to anyone who has been around me at this time of the year in past years. Around this time in the fall my choir has its annual rummage sale, and I purge my closet to get things to donate. The theory is that after…

  • Metaphors for cheese

    Had a busy weekend. Not, sadly, on the revisions front, but I went down to the Puyallup Fair with friends. Class it under research: should I ever have need of a strange fair event for my characters to attend, I have now witnessed Mutton Busting for the first time. For those, like me, who have…

  • Fertilizer?

    No serious thinky thoughts this week: I’m home in the bosom of my family, and they often want to go out and do things. (In my father’s case, very self-improving things like polishing the inside of my car headlights. I can’t really complain, since I brought several items home to take advantage of his lifetime…

Got any book recommendations?