Worlds of Rhiannon Held: Cover of LADY'S CHILDREN (urban fantasy) and BASE INSTANCTS (space opera) by Rhiannon Held over galaxy background.

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  • Norwescon Schedule

    It’s that time again! Here’s my schedule for Norwescon: Friday 2 pm Cascade 6 Creature Feature What are our favorite fantasy creatures, and why? Do the fantasy archetypes (vampire, werewolf, fairy, etc.) give us a shortcut to understanding a particular character and their motivation? How do authors use these creatures as metaphors for our own…

  • Metaphor for the Moon

    Mmm. Tonight, I am full of corned beef and still grinning from seeing cute kids (and talented older kids) do Irish dancing at the Seattle Center. I bring to you a link, and also a new edition of Fun with Google: Unnecessary Metaphors. First, the link. I am not the only person to talk about…

  • In your refridgerator

    [In the midst of a conversation about what kind of romantic elements we liked in our fiction] Me: I like my melodrama in my melodrama Not in my adventure stories Friend: I misread that for ‘melondrama’ for a second and started considering what a melon love story would look like. NO CANTALOUPE. WE CAN NOT…

  • Sounding board carpentry

    Finished up a structural revision yesterday on book 3–it wasn’t like one of my usual full revision passes, but the structural element I decided to fix had far-reaching consequences, so rewriting still took a bit. Next up, a short story for an anthology, and then back for a proper deep revision pass. This new short…

  • Face Off

    Longtime readers will be familiar with my love of cooking reality shows, specifically ones that showcase creativity rather than just performance. I’ve found something even better to scratch that itch, which is SyFy’s Face Off, a reality competition show for TV and movie special effects makeup artists. The creativity is paramount, because they’ll prompt them…

  • Gunslinger

    A short update this week–the aching back of my throat is telling me that I’d better get some things wrapped up tonight, because a cold, she is a loomin’. Had my first experience shooting at a range today, on a package deal with my coworker. A very interesting experience, one I’ve glad to have had…

  • Radcon 2012 Schedule

    It’s that time of year again, ladies and gents, when my conventions sneak up on me and I forget to post my schedule until the last minute! If any of you will be at Radcon, c’mon over and hear my reading or come to one of my panels. Sat Feb 18 10:00:am to 11:00:am Fantasy…

  • Wheeee!

    Look what the mail snails dropped off for me this week! (Andrew there belongs to me–he’s just Vanna-ing the ARCs for me)

  • Office food

    The community food counter at work had an embarrassment of riches this Friday, which got me thinking again about the phenomenon. Most people I mention the CFC to frown at me in confusion, which has lend me to a theory about the situations in which they form. First, a definition: the community food counter at…

  • Oraaaaaange juuuuuuuice!

    If I’m ever found mysteriously dead in my apartment, you’ll know why: it was the orange juice. Perhaps orange juice is strange to have as a nemesis, but a can seems to have elected itself mine. To explain: I made a recipe that called for however many cups of orange juice, and I bought a…

Got any book recommendations?