Radcon photos

I have arrived back home and survived a somewhat blurry day at the day job! Radcon was lots of fun, and I have assembled a few illustrative photos to demonstrate such.

This metal plate was screwed securely into the floor outside of my hotel room. I think it was holding the world together, so I decided to leave it be.

An example of the hotel decor. This one tickled me because I have fox character in a world I’ve been playing around with. You’d be amazed how poorly hotels turn out to be lit and you never realized it until you’re arguing with your poor camera. It’s desperate to flash no matter how many times you explain to it that the flash won’t do a thing for for the carving all the way over there, and then you see the finished photo and understand the desperation. Poor camera. It tries. Recognizable features in this photo brought to you by: my graphics program.

This is, after all, Radcon, near the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. My father asked if I was glowing yet when I returned. Fun fact: Hanford is known for quite stellar archaeology because it’s a huge swath of protected land where no one has been allowed to screw around with building stuff for decades. Not only does it protect sites, but it protects a whole landscape of many sites in relationship to each other.

It’s the eyes that make it, in my opinion. Apparently Hanford has trouble with radioactive tumbleweeds (and if that’s not a hilarious idea, I’m not sure what is: LOOK OUT, THE TUMBLEWEEDS ARE ROLLING RIGHT FOR YOU) and more recently a radioactive rabbit. Sadly, there were several stuffed rabbits with rad symbols around the con on Friday, but they had been recaptured by the time I went around with my camera.

I leave you with a poorly-lit pun. That? Is the Grizzly Bar.







2 responses to “Radcon photos”

  1. nice post! 🙂

  2. great post! I love it 🙂

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