Category: Uncategorized

  • Q&A event

    A quick post to spread the word about a blog event I’m doing. Over at Bitten by Books, I’ll be answering questions and there will be a giveaway on June 20, so c’mon down and join me!

  • Gunslinger

    A short update this week–the aching back of my throat is telling me that I’d better get some things wrapped up tonight, because a cold, she is a loomin’. Had my first experience shooting at a range today, on a package deal with my coworker. A very interesting experience, one I’ve glad to have had…

  • Cover

    Life has been eating me lately, but a quick, exciting post. Have a look! <a href=””>

  • Vices

    I own too many clothes. This won’t come as a surprise to anyone who has been around me at this time of the year in past years. Around this time in the fall my choir has its annual rummage sale, and I purge my closet to get things to donate. The theory is that after…

  • Germany!

    I am returned! Not over my jetlag yet, which has a lot to do with the cold my parents’ choir imported to Germany, spread amongst themselves, and then gave me as a gift to take home. In lieu of a real post, have a photo album!

  • Reality Writing

    You know what the world needs? A reality TV show of writers. I believe I’ve spoken on this blog before about how much I love competitive cooking shows. (My parents will tell you’ve I’ve liked cooking shows since I was a small child, but that’s a misdirection. You’d have thought our TV only had the…

  • Cheese jealousy

    I apologize for the relative silence–I was traveled over the holiday weekend, and my friend an I had a date with finishing Dragon Age 2, which was delightful from a storytelling perspective, and…less so, from a blogging one. I have a post stored up for later about driving long distances and the creative process, but…

  • FlatPie

    Greetings from RadCon! Between my panels this afternoon I’m going to take my camera around to get you guys a few photos. I wish I’d had my camera at the hotel cafe this afternoon, though. I had a sandwich in the green room for lunch, so when I went to be social, I ordered a…

  • Ladies unite!

    I cannot comprehend T-shirt manufacturers. I’m not talking about shirts you’d walk into a store and buy: those brands seem to have grasped female anatomy. I’m talking about shirts you buy for screen-printing for your choir or team or club, and the organizer offers you a choice of S to XXL. I remember the days…

  • Sexah page numbers

    I find page numbers to be so under-appreciated. Especially in Microsoft Word. My office actually usually uses WordPerfect, except when a client specifically requests a Word document. I can hear you out there–I scoffed at WordPerfect too when I was hired, but now I’m a believer. I formatted my thesis in Word, even, and I…